AlexGTSartist's blog

Alex GTS Patreon Page
Hi guys,
Recently I started my Patreon page (link), you can get a lot for a very low pledge. Patreon is a place where you support the works you like and you can receive works and exclusive stories for your support.
I update the page with new content every month and there is also an exclusive story:
Unstable Growth (here a couple of preview renders)
Also if you don’t have yet you can have a copy of “B.A.D. SchoolGirls” being in the highest tier and only if you pledge before the end of August, so if you want it hurry! It’s really a great deal, with this amount you get all my works and also a privilege for my future works!
Here is a list of all the things you could get if you pledge for the highest tier:
•All my paid works for free as soon as they will be released! (Reward available only if you already were a Greater Supporter in the past for at least 1 month and you're also pledging the month of the release).
•Only for July/August a copy of "B.A.D. SchoolGirls" as monthly reward (it means you get one after the month you've pledged has ended).
•A copy of "Magical Ink" (208 Images, Resolution 1280x960, Size 45 MB) available immediately
•A Greater Chance to win a Free commission every month!
•Unstable Growth: a Growth Sequence of 30 image delivered as reward every month (except for issue 1 and 2 that will be immediately accessible when available).
•3 Unstable Growth older issues per month as reward (it means you get them after the month you've pledged has ended). (when available)
•Discount coupons rewards on all my paid works
•A copy of "2 Hours Ago" (30 Images, Resolution 1600x900, Size 16.9 MB)
•Extra preview images, unique test images and character creation (exclusive content)
•Watch All Commissioned Images (when available)
•A full Growth sequence preview of 6 images from the "B.A.D. SchoolGirls".
•Jessica&Michael premiere (read it before anybody else!)
•"Summer Rain Shelter Giftbox" which includes: 10 exclusive images from different perspectives and 15 test renders.
- AlexGTSartist's blog
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