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GTS Artists Blogs!

DangerousDave's picture

Dangerous Dave's first blog post

Well, I finally finished a new chapter for "Just a little bit" (should be up as soon as Alex reviews it), so I thought I'd give this blog thing a try.

Feel free to give me your opinions on my stories. I do my best to create a long-running and thought out storyline, and I really hope readers like it.



AlexGTSartist's picture

Maintenance scheduled on Tuesday

Site will be down on Tuesday March 27th  for maintenance, it could stay down for a couple of hours and up to 12-18 hours.Thanks for your patience!

bmtbguy's picture

Non-English Shop is opened!

Absolutely right!

Now you guys who speaks portughese and spanish can read it without problems! The first chapter is Tales From Domina's Valley Ch.1, with new renders released for all 3 languages.

bmtbguy's picture

Bmtbguy's MM - Mgts March

I know I've been a nasty late guy, but this month lots of things are going to get done. New releases... old news releases also . Whatever I'm trying to tell you guys, this is going to be a great month.

bmtbguy's picture

Tales from Domina's Valley Release

That's it guys, chap
Growth Scout's picture

Focus on: Ricky Java – The Living Legend!

As far as I can rember, Ricky Java was out there producing astonishing beautiful busty girls for us. [read more...]

Growth Scout's picture

Your personal Growth Scout!


Hi guys!

The Growth Scout is here! Who is the growth scout and what is his role?

The Growth Scout will gather little by little all the growth related fetish artists around the web.

bmtbguy's picture

Live the Giantess Dream! external blog.

Hello Guys!

From here I'm going to post some information about my new works, so, stay around!

On my external blog I'll place most of the High Resolution pictures, then you may take a look there:

I'll write more real soon!


AlexGTSartist's picture

Site full operating again!

Registrations and Shop are open again, enjoy

AlexGTSartist's picture

Shop and Registrations closed for a few hours

Be patient a few hours or maybe a day, we are fixing something and we need to stop for a while registrations and shop.

In the next few hours maybe the whole site could go under maintenance for a while.



Alex GTS Artist

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Tallest content!!

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