This is the one that brings them all together, it's the newest chapter of the Grown series, Everything Grown! The story continues right where College Grown 3 ended, everyone from Farm Grown and College Grown are either growing while having sex on campus or being taken to a secured government facility, where they will grow and have sex! And one Island Grown character is in the middle of the fun too! What will happen to everyone and where will the Grown series go from here? Find out in Everything Grown, coming this Friday to ZZZ Comics! This comic has giantess, breast growth, ass growth, height growth, clothes ripping/shoe busting, male muscle, height, and penis growth, giant with giantess couples, giantess with giantess couples, giantess outgrowing school girl outfits, giantess and giant growth at the same time during sex, oral sex from mini giantess, mini giantess growth while giving oral sex, 3 way sex with giant and two giantesses growing, normal size woman growth to mini giantess during anal sex, giantess sex with smaller giantess and smaller male giant at the same time, two normal size women growing to giantess size while having sex and oral sex with each other, giantess stroking growing man's cock as he grows bigger, giant and giantess orgy of giant and giantess various sizes, giantess slow growth to larger and larger giantess, male and female growth during sex to giant size and more!
Growth is caused by meteor energy and sexual activity. All characters are 18 or older. All images are 2550x3600. Written by ZZZ, lines by HSefra, colors by David Delanty.
Collectors Edition includes all text and no text pages, a sexy full color pin up by Pocket Pixie artist Luna featuring Ruby from Pocket Pixie outgrowing her sexy witch Halloween costume, sketch pages, pencil pages and ink pages featuring giantess on giantess oral sex and growing at the same time, giant and giantess sex, giant and giantess clothes busting due to growing during sex, giantess watching an orgy, advanced full color preview of Lost City of Growth featuring recently grown man having oral sex from one recently grown woman and normal size woman by Right Size for Cosplay artist Exemi, and advanced full color preview of Pixie In The City, the new title for the Pocket Pixie series that will pick up where Pocket Pixie left off featuring a sexy woman growing bigger and sexier with clothes getting smaller and tighter and more!