The final installment of Funky Spice Vol. 1:
This may be the end of Volume #1 but Funky Spice is far from Over. The author has to go spend some time in real life, Like Jerome (Jay) he will be traveling abroad and dealing with some personal and professional changes that will be, hopefully, for the best.
You can expect new issues of Funky Spice (Vol. #2) coming up in the fall of 2013. It is not yet decided if the next volume will be 32 multi-panel pages per issue or full frame story telling. One thing is for sure: Jennifer will be in the spotlight while Jay is away. (And you can expect her to keep on growing!)
Please, leave a comment and tell me how you liked or disliked the first volume and what are your expectations for the sequel. Both story wise and regarding the format.
Thanks to all readers, customers and sympathizers. Thank you also to Alex and the other artists from for making the continued improvement in quality of the Funky Spice series possible, without the sales revenue, the synergy of the site’s shop and the good advice from readers and fellow artists… lighting, clothing, textures and scenes would not be looking quite close to what they are now. (Just look at FS#1)
Stay on the lookout during summer for the continuation of the (Yet untitled) free story involving a dance teacher, her sister, a young doctor and a zapper malfunction.
Can't wait for more Jen!!!
Can't wait for more Jen!!!
Milad261, Story is over. Jen
Milad261, Story is over.
Jen is the biggest, Alice is the hottest and Nadia is the smartest.
End of story.